Recycled (into) Bike Racks

Many organizations understand that it’s easier to get around a city on a bike than in a car and that accommodating people who bike is good for business.  (Strangely enough, we tend to frequent those businesses.)  Some even go the extra mile and install their own bike racks.

Repurposed into a bike rack outside Egan's new location

Maybe one day I should go to a later class to take a picture with more light. Is that a reasonable excuse to sleep in?

Recently Egan’s Bootcamp moved from their old location at King/University to a larger facility at Beretania/Punahou.  They were replacing a lot of their larger equipment, trying to make better use of the new space.  Egan said he was left with a perfectly good pull-up bar and no place for it, so he converted it to a bike rack right outside the door.  It’s set away from the street so the bikes aren’t easy to get to or a visible/tempting target.  They’re also within sight of the entrance, which will hopefully add another layer of safety (though that didn’t necessarily matter at their old location).

Interestingly enough, we still haven’t used the new bike rack.  We bike there most days but, as is the case with our commuting over the past year, rely on the Biki/Bikeshare Hawaii instead.  There’s a dock a few blocks away–not as close as the old gym, but just a block or two farther.  Though come to think of it, there might be a pretty good space near the building for a new location.  Maybe I should add that to their “Request A Station” page…

The first place we really benefited from a business’s own bike rack was Brewseum.  They not only have a rack right outside the door, but also block off the space in front of it so no one can park there.  It’s also nice because we tended to show up in their Instagram posts (for example, left [2014]/center [2015]/right [2016] in the image below).

Don't you wish your bike was features on Brewseum's Instagram this often

My bike (left/right) or Lisa’s and mine together (center) as the clear focal point of Brewseum’s Instagram posts. (I wonder what this says about us…)